Which Developed Country Is Most Pessimistic on Climate Change?

Akriti vyas
4 min readJul 28, 2020


Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

We live in the modern world where people are more addicted to fossil fuel and following Greta Thunberg on every social media platform. Is this the solution to climate change? No, until we adopt sustainability in our lives, we would not reduce the slow-moving threats of climate change.

If you are reading this blog, it means you care about the planet. But do you believe our efforts can reduce the consequences of climate change? If you live in the UK, then it’s very tough.

As per the new survey suggest that Britain is the least optimistic about the climate in the list of 5 industrialized nations. This nation hasn’t done any optimistic activity to cut the coal emission rate. Only 48% believe that humanity can overcome climate change.

The carbon dioxide and global warming have already increased the global temperature by 1.1°C, mostly since 1960.

And the science clears that the temperature will increase, and climate threats will show their negative impacts in the upcoming years. And this change is caused by human activity.

Souce https://scrippsco2.ucsd.ed

If we talk about America, 60% of citizens believe that humanity can reduce climate change effects. But, on the other side, most of the citizens of UK, USA, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia believe that their governments are not doing anything for the environment. In some 75% of respondents’ thoughts, the government has to create environmental protection policies to reduce climate change threats.

Source- https://climatecatalyst.net/

According to this survey, the New Zealand citizens are satisfied with their government initiatives- 56%

As we can see Australia and UK citizens believe that the government should consider climate change as a threat and should do much more to save the planet.

Whether we talk about America, Australia, Canada, or New Zealand, the lack of government trust is also a cause of climate change.

Citizens elect their favorite leader in the hope of good deeds. But, when a leader gets failed in proving as a trustworthy leader, the citizens blame him for every unfortunate cause.

Although, it’s a responsibility of the government to handle the environment threats sincerely. By creating policies, banning coal emissions activities, taking legal action against logging, and spreading awareness about climate change, they can improve the green life.

In answer to the question “How much you trust your elected government?” the New Zealanders gave +15 points, and Americans gave -15 points, Canadians came with the +1 trust score. In which Americans turned about be the least satisfied with their government.

Noted- the large of Australia (38%), America (46%), and Canada (47%)support nuclear generation. And again the small population country New Zealand (42%) citizens oppose nuclear generation.

Green recovery is one of the effective solutions to mitigate the risk of climate change. In many countries, the governments are looking to release a green recovery plan. To cut the emission of carbon, the green recovery plan has released by the developed nations.

Source: https://www.carbonbrief.org/s

The downfall in the economy and climate change have become the major issues of this world now. In this pandemic time, the green recovery plan is seeming the only solution to tackle these twins’ issues.

In recent months, the UK citizens have demonstrated their capacity to respond optimistically and positively when they understand the mess they have been creating from the last decades are now affecting their lives.
Jim Waston, a professor of energy policy at the University of London, who spoke an interview, said that “People are prepared to change”.

Final Say:

There is no doubt; the coronavirus has taught us a lot. Now people are doing what is necessary. Right from work from home to using a bicycle, the world is turning to a sustainable lifestyle. This pandemic has given unusual benefits to the environment like low carbon emission, clear air, no wildfires and less water pollution.

Now the big question is after the end of this pandemic whether we continue this moment?
Just your answer to this question at the comment section.



Akriti vyas

I write copy for change. Subject Inclination: Environmentalism, Climate, Green business, and Social Justice I Find me at: freelancer.akriti98@gmail.com