The Oceans Can Be Saved by 2050 — If We Act Now

Rebuilding Marine Life

Akriti vyas
3 min readSep 1, 2020
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Even though humans have exploited the oceans for centuries, the goal of restoring marine life can be accomplished within three decades.

According to the latest scientist report, the world’s oceans are surprisingly resilient, despite the endless waste and pollution humans invoke. Scientists report that “ We now have the knowledge, skills, and expertise to be able to save and restore vital marine habitats, such as, oyster reef, mangrove swamp, and salt-marshes,- which keep our ocean clean and provide food to help the environment.”

However, the creators of the study also feature the amazing and often jaw-dropping resilience of marine environment; “Regional examples of impressive resilience include recover of fish stock during World War I and II following a marked decreased in fishing pressure, the recuperation since 1958 of coral reefs in the Marshall Island megatons of atomic test and improved well being of the Black Sea and Adriatic sea following a sudden downfall in the utilization of fertilizers after compost of Soviet Union”

However, these stories of recovery have not proven that effective for our environment. But, they do show how effective our ecosystem is at reestablishing itself if people take some steps to save it.

The review published in the Journal Nature focuses on sustainable development and goal 14 of the United Nations expects to “ preserve and sustainably utilize the seas, oceans and marine resources to support ecosystem.”

If we want to save oceans, we have to be optimistic about the future of the oceans. But, the reality is, we are not doing enough. Overfishing, landfills, bathing in the rivers, and plastics in the ocean rapidly increase water pollution and harm the marine species like fish, dugong, whale and so on.

Climate change is a big challenge, which is continuously raising the sea level and making the water more acidic. If we ignore the slow-moving consequences of climate change, tackling the pollution elements will become difficult for us.

Our ocean life are suffering, but it can be rebuilt if we work on our activities. One of the strongest messages I have found in the study is that “If you stop killing sea life, and protect it, then it does come back.” That means our efforts can rebuild ocean life.

“Failure to embrace this challenge, and in doing so condemning our grandchildren to a polluted ocean unable to support a healthy and beautiful lifestyle,”- Said the review leading scientist Prof Duarte.

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Final Say:

Scientists have found that If we mitigate toxic elements, we can completely restore the ocean life within a generation. So, if you want to wash your sins, then take action against climate change.



Akriti vyas

I write copy for change. Subject Inclination: Environmentalism, Climate, Green business, and Social Justice I Find me at: