I want to Visit the Caribbean Sea Before it’s devastated by Marine Pollution.

The thrilling increase in the marine pollution due to plastic, solid waste and chemicals are threaten me to cancel my Caribbean trip.

Akriti vyas
3 min readJul 19, 2020

I have many travel goals in which visiting the Carrabian sea is also one. It’s a home of iconic wildlife, and wonderful opportunity to explore the waters life.

But, now i am thinking i have made a regrettable decision by adding the Caribbean sea in my travel diary. Due to voluminous plastic waste wash, agriculture runs off , sewage offshore, and gas Caribbean sea and its beaches lose their meaning. They were no longer known as the pristine beauties of the world.

The increased pressure on small islands, unmanaged coastal development, population, overfishing, and coral reef degradation are decreasing the beauty of the Caribbean sea.

Humans are Killing Nature:

According to the latest geographical reports- nearly every ocean of this world is endangered by human activities. But, the Caribbean sea has highly damaged by human activities. The citizens’ culprits and the tourists who come to explore the beauty of this beautiful place and do the activities that have disturbed marine life.

The Caribbean Sea Under Threat:

The latest release World Bank Report, “Marine Pollution in the Caribbean: Not a Minute to waste”, stated that- “83% of the Caribbean sea at the high risk and 32,0000 tons of plastic waste remain uncollected each year in the sea”.

This needs to Stop!

If you really want to celebrate World Ocean’s Day, then step out, fight against the marine pollution, and support a healthy, productive and pristine beauty of the Caribbean sea.

Stop Using Plastic and Follow the litter Control Policies:

Till now, 14 Caribbean countries have banned the use of plastic. Litter control policies also include natural drainage systems and urban structures to prevent water directly from going into the waters. Along with that, we have to participate in the clean-up beach programs and use the drainage system effectively. This exertion is crucial to fortify the national and provincial approaches and guidelines to decrease ocean pollution.

Reduce or Recycle Plastic:

We have to stop making straws, bags, food containers from plastic. Use the recycle material and limit the use of plastic in non-recyclable products. Support a decrease in the utilization of non-biodegradable products and reuse of plastic products.

Diminish Discharge of Untreated Sewage:

There are so many effective methods to treat sewage water. By connecting all households to the proper sewage system can reduce storm-water pollution. It is crucial to treat the wastage water because it increases the toxicity in the sea and causes health problems.

Control Chemicals and Industrial Pollution:

The best way to combat ocean pollution is by controlling chemicals and industrial pollution. Production of sulfuric acid, nitrate-based fertilizers, and organic chemicals are harming ocean life. If we control the use of chemicals and promote recycling of used oil and increase the production of durable products requires less energy and extracts less waste material.

Raise public awareness:

Marine pollution has become a serious issue. It’s essential to raise awareness about the impact of human activities on ocean life. The government should include a subject on climate awareness into a school curriculum.

Final Say:

Reality speaks that humans have created the mess, and humans can fix this mess. By limiting the use of plastic, integrating a proper sewage system and controlling chemicals, and raising awareness about environmental degradation, we can still save our planet.



Akriti vyas

I write copy for change. Subject Inclination: Environmentalism, Climate, Green business, and Social Justice I Find me at: freelancer.akriti98@gmail.com