10 Facts About Global Warming

Glaciers are melting, sea level is rising, cloud forests are dying, and wildfires devastate animal lives.

Akriti vyas
3 min readJul 18, 2020

Can’t Ignore the Figure of NASA on Earth Temperature.

The consumption of fossil fuels and the emission of carbon has lost the pride of natural resources. According to NASA, “the global surface temperature rose 0.6 to 0.9 degrees Celsius between 1996 to 2005, and the temperature rate has doubled in the last 50 years.”

Humans are Culprits of Nature:

It’s clearly visible that the temperature is rising faster than ever before. The practical human activities like deforestation, consumption of fossil fuels, using plastic, and an increase in pollution are the actual causes of global warming.

Now, we are standing in the middle of the 21st century, and there is one question we should definitely ask over-selves. Do we really care about nature? Have we really considered global warming as a serious issue? If we, then why we are experiencing climate change consequences. It’s a high time to ignore myth and learn the facts about Global warming.

10 Facts you Need to Know:

Fact 1: There is more carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere; in 2020, it has become the highest in human history.

Fact 2 : If we stopped burning fossil flues, i wouldn’t decrease the temperature. There are so many factors that regulate the heat of the earth’s surface.

Fact 3: Nature climate solutions like cleaning coastal areas, installing storm wastewater management system, restoring degraded forest create as many as 39 jobs per million dollars spend- And the rate of this job creation is six times higher than oil and gas industries.

Fact 4: Nearly 3.2 billion population are as of now impacted by land degradation around the world. Restoration is basic and cost-effective. It has been found that every US $1 invest in restoration generates 10X the investment return.

Fact 5: Eight hundred million people worldwide is currently facing climate change threats- Flood, heat waves, droughts, and sea-level rise.

Fact 6: Only 0.7% of the world’s forests are coastal mangroves. Yet, they are among the most important ecosystems.

Fact 7: Saving nature is relatively cheaper than researching life in Mars. In the Maldives conserving the natural coral reef is four times cheaper than constructing a sea wall for coastal protection.

Fact 8: 189 nations have been approved the Paris agreement, consisting of restraining global warming and stopping the threats of climate change by protecting nature.

Fact 9 : Since 1999, we have lost 420 million hectares of forest. If we continue to lose the forest at this rate, carbon dioxide will make our air unsafe within the next century.

Fact 10: 11% percentage of the greenhouse effect is caused by deforestation- not from the emission of gases from the vehicles.

Final Say:

We can fight against the global warming impacts by protecting nature like mangroves, decreasing the ocean’s acidity, and creating a green world by planting trees.



Akriti vyas

I write copy for change. Subject Inclination: Environmentalism, Climate, Green business, and Social Justice I Find me at: freelancer.akriti98@gmail.com